Britta Bor, The Limits of Ultra-Fine Particle Flotation Through Entrainment in a Bubble Column to Optimize the Removal of Fission Products in a Molten Salt Reactor by Helium Bubbling, April 2024 (PDF)
Borstlap, Lotte, Developing a Filter-Matrix Lattice-Boltzmann Boundary Method for Conjugate Heat Transfer and Phase Change, February 2024 (PDF)
Spek, Pieter van der, GPU-accelerated Large Eddy Simulation of non-eutectic MSFR Salt Freezing in Turbulent Channel flow, February 2024 (PDF)
Polderman, Coco, Developing a multi-physics tool for the neutronics[1]thermal-hydraulics in a molten salt reactor using the lattice Boltzmann method, January 2024 (PDF)
Collenteur, Floor, Experimental investigation of solidification phenomena in turbulent and laminar channel flows, January 2024 (PDF)
Kaaks, Bouke, Melting and Solidification Phenomena in a Molten Salt Fast Reactor. A Combined Experimental and Numerical Investigation, May 2022 (PDF)
Iovanovici, Sasha, Particle Concentration Measurements using Laser Doppler Anemometry, January 2023 (PDF)
Bemmelen, Daniel van, Influence of turbulence on the internal conductivity and total electrical resistance of a carbon black suspension inside a Semi-Solid Flow BatteryJune 2023 (PDF)
Wortelboer, Mees,Investigating GPU-accelerated Double Distribution Function Lattice Boltzmann Schemes for Heat Transfer and Phase Change in Turbulent Flows, July 2023 (PDF)
Besseling, Thorben, Investigating Adaptive Mesh Refinement Criteria for a Double-Distribution FMLB Scheme in Melting and Solidifaction Processes (PDF)
Bus, Celeke, Simulating the Transient Freezing in cooled Non-eutectic Molten Salt Channel Flow (PDF)
Boeré, Max, An applied numerical study on several aspects of the production of radioisotopes within the HOR Experimental Activation Loop (PDF)
Peters, Willemijn, Modelling the Rheology and Internal Resistance of Alginate-based Semi-solid Flow Batteries, May 2022 (PDF)
Bekkema, Bart, Diffusion coefficient estimations of radiometals in target solution using microfluidic devices - A combined experimental & numerical study (PDF)
Liu, Zheng, Purifying Radionuclides with Microfluidic Technology for Medical Purpose, March 2022 (PDF)
Groot, Feline de, Investigation the effect of microchannel junction geometry on two-phase flow using the Lattice Boltzmann Method, December 2021 (PDF)
Dijk, Sabine van, Determining the shear-rate of shear-thinning fluids at the surface with an ultrasonic waveguide viscometer, December 2021 (PDF)
Grooten, Anne, Helium Bubbling in the Molten Salt Fast Reactor, November 2021 (PDF)
Muller, Kyle, The developing flow profile of the suspension in a Semi-Solid Flow Battery, March 2021 (PDF)
Haffmans, Laurens, A feasibility and safety evaluation of the 99-Molybdenum Producing Mini Loop, March 2021 (PDF)
Roovers, Rona, A study of the feasibility of Molybdenum99 production by neutron capture of Molybdenum98 in a mini loop using natural convection, July 2021 (PDF)
Kurstjens, Maarten, Investigation of multiphase flow patterns through a T-shaped microchannel using the Lattice Boltzmann Method, August 2021 (PDF)
Blokker, Joris, Projectional Radiography of a Supercritical Fluid, May 2021 (PDF)
Korpershoek, Dirk-Jan, Neutron Radiography of supercritical fluids, November 2021 (PDF)
Lakerveld, Ies, Helium Bubbling in the Molten Salt Fast Reactor, July 2021 (PDF)
Schuringa, Olivier, Determination of rheological properties of Power-law fluids using a numerical ultrasonic waveguide viscometer, July 2021 (PDF)
Winden, Jesper van, Developing a Hybrid Lattice Boltzmann Finite Difference Model for Phase Change in the Molten Salt Reactor, August 2021 (PDF)
Mastromarino, Sara, New Measurement Methods and Physico-Chemical Properties of the MSFR Salt, December 2021 (PDF)
Smit, Rinus, Flux-behaviour and Resistances of Electroactive Material in a Semi-Solid Flow Battery Cell, September 2020 (PDF)
Arends, Koen,Viscosity determination and attenuation measurements in non-Newtonian liquids using a ultrasonic waveguide, August 2020 (PDF)
Borstlap, Lotte, Numerical study on the viscosity determination of power-law fluids in the ultrasonic waveguide experiment, August 2020 (PDF)
Korthals Altes, Hugo, Flow-influenced electrical conduction in a Semi-Solid Flow Battery, February 2020 (PDF)
F. Bertocchi, On Coherent Structures, Flow-Induced Vibrations, and Migratory Flow: In Liquid Metal Nuclear Reactors (PDF)
Kater, Arjan de, Wave propagation through a nickel plate, October 2019 (PDF)
Nollen, Paul, Flow separation in non-Newtonian fluid flow through a diverging funnel, August 2019 (PDF)
Dresen, Luuk, THE MPML: 99Molybdenum Producing Mini Loop, driven by natural circulation, August 2019 (PDF)
Gerritsma, Anna Maaike, Optimizing Viscometer for Ultrasonic Nondestructive Testing with Finite Element Software, January 2019 (PDF)
Iersel, Mike van, Analysis of flow patterns and interface behavior in simulations of immiscible liquid-liquid two phase-flow in microchannels using the consertive level set method, June 2019 (PDF)
Vries, Leon de, Feasibility study on Laser Doppler Anemometry in Supercritical Fluids, September 2019 (PDF)
Warmerdam, Bart, Filling the mergency tank around the Small-scale, Large efficiency, Inherently safe, Modular Reactor, July 2018 (PDF)
Reuver, Reindert de, Temperature dependence of the attenuation and group velocity of ultrasonic waves in tungsten, July 2018 (PDF)
Ettema, Sebastiaan, An emergency cooling system for SLIMR, the supercritical-water Small, Modular Reactor, February 2018 (PDF)
Nanninga, Tymen, An experimental analysis of two-phased flow patterns inside a microchannel, February 2018 (PDF)
Kamp, David, Cooling requirements for the freeze plug module, January 2018 (PDF)
Duijn, Miranda, Simulating the microfluidic solvent extraction of perrhenate, January 2018 (PDF)
Valori, Valentina, Rayleigh-Bénard convection of a supercritical fluid, January 2018 (PDF)
Henstra, Gijs, Optimising a model of ultrasonic waves propagating in a buffer rod, December 2017 (PDF)
Schuringa, Olivier, Density and viscosity calculation using ultrasonic wave propagation, December 2017 (PDF)
Möller, Paul, Investigating the Selective Separation Ability of an Optimized Microfluidic Chip with Focus on Metal Ions, September 2017 (PDF)
Oud, ThomasElastic wave simulation for buffer rod tapering, August 2017 (PDF)
Froeling, Hidde, Causes of Spurious Echoes by Ultrasonic Wave Simulation, June 2017 (PDF)
Deurvorst, Floris, Design of Cooling Fins on the Freeze Plug, June 2017 (PDF)
Makkinje, André, Design of a Freeze Plug Grate, February 2017 (PDF)
Tuyll, Frederique van, A new design for the safety plug in a Molten Salt Fast Reactor, December 2016 (PDF)
Pothoven, Coosje, Recirculation of the Mo-99 research loop, November 2016 (PDF)
Egmond, Chris van, Calculating the interdependency of the temperature and power production inside the Mo-99 research loop, July 2016 (PDF)
Koks, Iris, Melting behaviour of the freeze plug in a molten salt fast reactor, July 2016 (PDF)
Ham, Daan van der, Linear analysis of a natural circulation driven supercritical water loop, July 2016 (PDF)
Bergh, Olivier van den, Passive emergency drainage of the Molten Salt Fast Reactor, July 2016 (PDF)
Kewal, Kevin, The effect of wall thermal inertia on the stability of a natural circulation driven supercritical water reactor, June 2016 (PDF)
Huisman, Jurriaan, Heat Transfer of the Mo-99 Research Loop, June 2016 (PDF)
Vries, Tim de, Linear stability analysis of a supercritical water loop driven by natural convection, March 2016 (PDF)
Pols, Willemijn, Exploring characteristics for optimal accuracy of a settling sphere viscometer using the Lattice Boltzmann Method, February 2016 (PDF)
Iersel, Mike van, Effect of supercritical friction factor and Heat Transfer Model on the stability of a natural circulation driven super critical water reactor, January 2016 (PDF)
Peeters, Jurriaan W.R., Turbulence and turbulent heat transfer at supercritical pressure, 2016-11-30 (B.J. Boersma, T.H.J.J. van der Hagen, R. Pecnik) (PDF)
Swaroop, Parth, Design of a Freeze Plug for the Molten Salt Reactor, SET System Integration Project II, September 2015 (PDF)
Blecourt, Anne de, Delft Cold Neutron Source Flow Modeling, July 2015 (PDF)
Blok, Anne-Nynke, Extraction of Technetium-99m, July 2015 (PDF)
Zonneveld, Alistair, Linear analysis of the influence of neutronic-thermal-hydraulic coupling on the stability of a natural convection driven supercritical water loop, January 2015 (PDF)
Elgin, Kenneth, A study of the feasibility of 99Mo production inside the TU Delft Hoger Onderwijs Reactor, October 2014 (PDF)
Wetstein, Suzanne, Implementing the Lattice-Boltzmann Method, August 2014 (PDF)
Versendaal, Jochem, Simulating the flow through a specific stacking pattern, using the lattice Bolzmann method, May 2014 (PDF)
Lippens, Joris, Linear analysis of thermal intertia effects on the thermal-hydraulic stability of a natural circulation driven supercritical water loop, February 2014 (PDF)
Veling, Dick, The Small-scale Large efficiency Inherent safe Modular Reactor, November 2014 (PDF)
Rijnsdorp, Sjoerd, Design of a small Aqueous Homogeneous Reactor for production of 99Mo, September 2014 (PDF)
Buskermolen, Maarten, Experimental study of the structure of a passive scalar in turbulent flows using a wire-mesh sensor: Pipe flow and rod-bundle axial flow, May 2014 (PDF)
Carlier, Felix, Coherent Structures in a Rod-Bundle Geometry, August 2013 (PDF)
Schenderling, Thomas, Numerical analysis of the influence of wall thermal inertia on the stability of natural circulation driven supercritical water reactors, July 2013 (PDF)
Krijger, Dennis, A linear stability analysis of a water loop driven by natural circulation convection at supercritical conditions, July 2013 (PDF)
Huisman, Mark, Medical Isotope Production Reactor, July 2013 (PDF)
Mitafidis Vlachakis, Konstantinos, Criteria for the onset of flow reversal in upward heated laminar flow of supercritical CO2 in annular geometry, December 2012 (PDF)
Spoelstra, Johan, Numerical stability analysis of natural circulation driven supercritical water reactors, December 2012 (PDF)
Bulk, Rick, An Experimental Study on Cross-Flow Mixing in a Rod-Bundle Geometry using a Wire-Mesh, August 2012 (PDF)
Gurunath, Santosh, Numerical Investigations of Coherent Structures in Axial Flow in Single Rod-Channel Geometry, August 2012 (PDF)
Linden, Erik van der, Coupled neutronics and computational fluid dynamics for the molten salt reactor, April 2012 (PDF)
Veld, Maarten in ‘t, Linear stability analysis of a High Performance Light Water Reactor, June 2011 (PDF)
Peeters, Jurriaan, Investigation of the thermal boundary layer development length in upward heated annular supercritical fluid flows, September 2011 (PDF)
Kam, Frederik, Development of a one-dimensional model for the stability analysis of a natural circulation Super Critical Water Reactor, June 2011 (PDF)
Mahmood, Amer, Single-Phase Crossflow Mixing in a Vertical Tube Bundle Geometry, 2011-06-23 (T.H.J.J. van der Hagen, R.F. Mudde) (PDF)
Koren, Gerbrand, Linear Stability Analysis of a Supercritical Water Loop driven by Natural Convection, August 2010 (PDF)
Gils, Joske van, Dampfractie in een kokendwaterreactor, August 2009 (PDF)
Campen, Laurens van, An experimental investigations on the use of FEP as refractive index matching material for LDA in a rod bundle flow, February 2009 (PDF)
Degen, Coen, Analysis of Two-Phase Flow Instabilities in Multi-Channel Natural Circulation Systems, February 2009 (PDF)
Sanders, Maarten, Thermo-Hydraulic Stability Analysis of the High Performance Light Water Reactor and a Scaled Experimental Facility, August 2009 (PDF)
Weppelman, Gerward, Flashing geïnduceerde instabiliteit in de CIRCUS opstelling met vier parallelle kanalen, September 2008 (PDF)
Wessem, Melchior van, Experimentally investigating the influence of the feedwater sparger position on the stability of the boiling water reactor facility GENESIS, July 2008 (PDF)
Hoogendoorn, Karin, Bestuderen van het drukprofiel over een BWR bundel voor één- en twee-fasen stroming, February 2008 (PDF)
Koopman, Hans, Development of the STEALTH-code and Investigation of the Effects of Feedwater Sparger positioning on the Thermal-Hydraulic Stability of Natural Circulation Boiling Water Reactors, June 2008 (PDF)
Marcel, C.P., Experimental and Numerical Stability Investigations on Natural Circulation Boiling Water Reactors, 2007-10-29 (T.H.J.J. van der Hagen) (PDF)
Beker, Mark, Capacitive measurement technique for void fraction measurements in two phase pipe flow, July 2005 (PDF)
Martin Rohde (2025)